Sunday, July 24, 2016

Introduction To Psalms

July 21, 2016

Welcome to our new blog on the book of Psalms. Each week we will cover some of the psalms and look at each a little closer.There are 150 psalms and they are located in the middle of your bible. This is a books of songs. Imagine picking up a song book in church and reading the might learn some things but the meaning would not be there unless you knew the story behind each song.

It has been said that every human experience and every human feeling is recorded in the book of psalms !!!The psalms have been arranged in a very specific order. The order can be seen as a parallel to the Pentateuch. The very first psalm is about the perfect man. From there we will follow man and his experiences, feelings, and sin through history as seen by God and man.

We will study and record our study and notes on a weekly basis. I hope this blog will be a blessing to you and as usual if you would like to join us in person for class, contact me and we will be happy to have you !  May God bless you and us on our journey through the psalms !!

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