Saturday, August 19, 2017

Psalm 63

In this beautiful psalm of love and worship by David of God, we can notice all the things that he does and thinks by looking at the "My's"  and "I's" . "my soul thirsts", "my flesh longs", "my lips shall praise", "my soul shall be satisfied", "my mouth shall praise", "my soul follows close behind you." Sometimes when we feel like we want to show our love to Jesus but do not know how ... David gives us 6 ways that he showed love and worship to God !

"will I seek you", "I have looked for you", "I will bless you", "I will lift up my hands in Your name", "I remember You  on my bed", "I meditate on you", "I will rejoice."  This psalm is only 11 verses long and yet we see 13 different things David is doing to show his love and worship of God !   How about you ?  Do not just skim over this list. Think about each action that David is doing and TODAY try just one to show your love and worship to Jesus !!!

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