Sunday, September 25, 2016

Psalm 18

September 22,  2016

Compared to the previous psalms , this one is a long one. Again this psalm is written by David and reflects the life of David from being chased by Saul to an old man. Through all of his life, the perils, the victories and defeats, loosing his sons, strife within his family and his kingdom.... through it all there was ONE constant. His love of God.

There is more to this psalm than meets the eye. As with the entire bible, this psalm talks of the coming King. this is a prophetic psalm. Also, this psalm reflects the way to pray !!! This psalm opens with praise for the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and an acknowledgement of all that God has done for him then a request from David and a thank you for answering his prayer before it is answered, and finally ends in praise to God !!! This Psalm ends with God's answer to David. This is critical because most people pray by talking instead of praying to listen !!

This psalm is a recall from 2 Samuel 22 and is also a model for prayer as seen in the Lord's prayer in the New Testament. The beauty in this psalm is that it tells the story of David's life AND the heart of David AND backs up 2 Samuel 22 AND is a model for us to pray !! How wonderful that God can show so much through one life that is dedicated to Him !!  Go and do likewise.

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