Monday, September 5, 2016

Psalm 12 and 13

September 1, 2016

In the short psalm of David we see what apostasy looks like. When man looks to man instead of God. David shows us that sometimes we feel like we are the only one left standing up for God !  We should speak only the truth and not what man wants to hear. When the wicked use flattery and boast, we as followers of Jesus, need to rely on the word of God. He closes by saying that even if it looks like the wicked are winning ... Do not despair. God will always take care of the faithful!

In psalm 13 David is being pursued and he writes this. The interpretation of this psalm has to do with the great tribulation that is to come. This psalm shows the pain that David is going through. Much like the pain that the true followers of Jesus will feel in the tribulation. He feels that the whole world is against him and he is the only one left that follows God. This is the exact picture that scripture paints when the great tribulation come for the remnant that is left. The psalm ends with David singing God's praises no matter what his circumstances are..... a lesson for us indeed !

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