This psalm is probably the most well known and most recognizable thing in the bible !! Books have been written about it, many preacher's sermons have been done on it, and many funerals have had this psalm in it. Yet it is a very short and very simple psalm with the word of God dripping from every word !
This psalm is about Jesus as the Great Shepherd. We know that David wrote this and he probably wrote it as an old man looking back over his life. We can surmise this from the amount of wisdom and experience talked about. Comparing Jesus' followers to sheep was a tactic used many timed by Jesus to make a point. In this psalm we see that Jesus is MY shepherd. Why ? Does that mean He is the shepherd for all ? No... He is MY shepherd if I accept the redemptive work he did on the cross ! Here is a spiritual truth ... when He becomes your shepherd, He will watch over and protect you !! That is an awesome thought. The God of the universe has my back !!!
As we go through this psalm we see all the things the shepherd does for his flock. He protects them, He feeds and waters them, He disciplines them, He blesses them, He gives them peace and security, He leads them in the right paths. Then the last line sums up the ultimate reward for His flock. "And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever." After giving His life for the sheep and doing all these things for His flock, He again rewards them for no deed they have done ! They get to live with Jesus in heaven...FOREVER ....Thank You Jesus !!!
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