Saturday, March 25, 2017

Psalm 43

Psalm 43 is often seen as a continuation of psalm 42. This is also written by the Sons of Korah and continues as a Messianic psalm. The heading  or title of this psalm is " Prayer to God in Time of Trouble." In this psalm it is the remnant of Israel that is speaking. We can see this in the first verse," Vindicate me, O God, and plead my cause against an ungodly nation."  So the nation of Israel has once again turned away from God and the remnant (God ALWAYS leaves a remnant) is asking for God to protect them from the ungodly and also is asking God to plead their Godly cause ! This all speaks to us today as the saved that are praying for the unsaved and asking God to show them the light (Jesus). Verse 5 says," Why are you cast down, O my soul ? And why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God;" After 4 verses of asking God for help this is their answer ... Hope in God !!! This is exactly what our life and salvation is all about !! Our whole salvation and our 2nd life is ALL depending and our hopes are hanging on God to save us ! There is no plan B...No 2nd chance.....No fall back plan....All of our hope is in God !!!

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