Saturday, September 2, 2017

Psalm 65

The title of this psalm is, "Praise to God for His Salvation and Providence".  This is a beautiful psalm written by David giving praise and glory to God for His salvation. One thing to notice and learn from David is this: when we want to praise God we should be specific ! As an example instead of saying thank You for all you do, say thank you for saving me from dying in my sin and saving me from hell ! In this psalm we see David being very specific in thanking God for the things He has done for the Jews and for David. I count 25 times the words You or Your is used in reference to God in a total of 13 verses. "You water it's ridges abundantly, You settle it's furrows,You make it soft with showers,You bless it's growth." (Verse 10)  Another thing to notice is that in this psalm of thanks and praise there is NO complaining, NO cursing of his enemies, and NO asking for his enemies to be punished. We should go therefore and do likewise.

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