Saturday, September 9, 2017

Psalm 66

The sub heading on this psalm is " Praise To God For His Awesome Works " In this rather long psalm of 20 verses, We see the psalmist start by talking about the great things God has done for the whole earth. Then slowly transitions to what he has done in an individuals life. As an example in verse one it says, " Make a joyful shout to God, all the earth !"  By verse nine  he says ," Who keeps our soul among the living, and does not allow our feet to be moved."

Another awesome spiritual truth is revealed here when in verse 12 it says,"You have caused men to ride over our heads;" That hardly sounds like giving praise to God ! But the psalmist reveals the truth when he wraps it up in verse twelve by saying," But you brought us out to rich fulfillment." In other words in order for souls to be rich and fulfilled we must go through fire WITH Jesus !

The last thing I want to show here is the answer to "Why are my prayers not being answered ?"  According to Gods word there are many reasons, but here in verse eighteen we see one reason. " If I regard inequity in my heart, the Lord will not hear." Which means if you have sin in your heart, that will cause God to not hear your prayer. That does NOT mean you must be sinless. It means you must be saved and not harbor the sinful nature of man in your heart.

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