Sunday, August 7, 2016

Psalms 3 - 5

August 4, 2016

Psalm 3 was written by David when he fled from his son Absalom because his son was trying to overthrow his father.This psalm tells how David felt and what he thought about his own son trying to kill him ! It also shows Davids total devotion to God and his reliance on God. When you read this psalm, remember that the reason for this uprising against David was because of sin. When he took another mans wife, had him killed and got her pregnant, David repented and God forgave him. However... sin has consequences !

Psalm 4 is a very short psalm that has 3 parts to it. First is the cry of David, the second is the correction of behavior, lastly the confidence that is placed in God for his rest. By the end of the psalm, David is laying down to rest with his heart at peace.

Psalm 5 is known as a morning psalm as it starts with the words "...consider my meditation. This psalm is also written by David. It is a prayer set to music sent up to God.  One of the truths rooted out of this psalm shows that patience is the result of tribulation.  It also shows that even the very Godly person is tempted by sin all the time and that is why we should keep our hearts and minds on Jesus !!

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