Sunday, August 28, 2016

Psalm 10 and 11

August 25, 2016

Psalm 10 has two basic human instincts at play in it : Pride and Boasting. This psalm talks about there being no God. This would be the first time that this is mentioned. The logic in this psalm says that there is no God and without God there will not be any judgement. Therefore, with no judgement man becomes his own God ! The 10 commandments says nothing about being an atheist, but it does say you shall have no FALSE Gods before me. If man boasts that there is no God, he does so because he wants to be God in his own world. In a sinners world where he is God... there can never be a judgement for his sin. Circular logic which the atheist will never admit to.

Psalm 11 talks about several truths in life. One is to not run from your problems but to face them head on. This psalm was written when David was on the run from his son Absalom. David was not running but buying time to mount an offensive. Another truth is that there is a God. When God pulls out your security to see what you trust in and believe in...  Once again David returns to the thing that atheist think, that there is no judgement for the actions (sin). The psalm closes by saying that God loves righteousness and that when our security is gone we are to look to Him for our peace and security... Praise God.

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