Sunday, August 14, 2016

Psalms 6 and 7

August 11, 2016

Psalm 6 is a very sad one as the man in this psalm is crying out for mercy ! He has looked into his own heart and realizes that he is not any good in the eyes of God. When he looks all around him he sees evil and wickedness on every side. Once he realizes these truths he cries out to the God of the universe for mercy.

Psalm 7 is again a crying out... this time by David. With his confidence in God, David cries out and shows us the future suffering and persecution of the remnant of Israel in the great tribulation. David is crying out loud against the "man of sin". This idea also is carried into the next psalm. David puts all of his trust in the Lord and his righteousness and accepts any judgement the Lord gives...Praise God !!!

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