Sunday, January 1, 2017

Psalm 31

Set up in classic prayer format, this psalm of David shows his reliance on God and God's answer ! The first three versus praise God for who He is to David. " For you are my rock and my fortress; Therefore, for your names sake, lead me and guide me."  Throughout this psalm David lays it all out for God about how he is worthless, hated, despised, hunted, and forgotten...yet right up front he acknowledges God as his rock and tells God how important He is to David. This reliance on Gog is made very plain in verse 5, " Into your hand I commit my spirit; You have redeemed me, O Lord God of truth"

After David takes most of the psalm to lay out how unworthy he is and how hated he is...he then asked God for His help and protection. NOT for David's sake  but for God's name sake !! He then ends the psalm with praise for God and thanks for answered prayer !! The last verse of this psalm says, "Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart, All you who hope in the Lord."  From this verse we can learn a couple of things. First, David has faith that God is going to answer his prayer ! Secondly, we learn that all of this applies ONLY to those who hope in the Lord. Are you saved ?  Then these promises apply to and for you !  If you are not saved, God loves you but will not save you until you acknowledge and give your live to Jesus. THEN every promise in God's word will apply to You.  The choice has always been up to You !!!

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