Monday, December 26, 2016

Psalm 30

This is a psalm of David and most believe was written for the dedication of the tent for the arc of the covenant. In this psalm David acknowledges that he was boasting and proud just like his enemies. Then he cries out to God ! " Now in my prosperity I said, " I shall never be moved.""  Then their is the phrase in verse 2 that shows that David had a life threatening sickness and he cries out to God !!  " O Lord my God, I cried out to you, and you healed me." Some have called this verse the healing psalm or the cancer psalm. Throughout this psalm David cries out to God and He heals him, comforts him, and protects him !!  The final verse sums up, " O Lord my God, I will give thanks to you forever." The Great Physician shows up all the way through this psalm. If you know anyone who is very sick, please give this psalm to comfort and to heal them. Then give God glory and praise forever !!

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