Sunday, January 29, 2017

Psalm 35

I have known well meaning people who claim to be Christian to pray like this !!!  I have taught that these prayers were valid in David's time because Jesus had not come yet and because of that man had a hard heart !  When Jesus came and died for us and sent His Holy Spirit to live inside of us, Our hearts become softer the longer we walk with Him. In the New Testament  Romans 12:19 Paul tells us, " ... for it is written, vengeance is mine; I will repay saith the Lord." It is hard at times because the unsaved still have a hard heart and hurt us even if they do not know it. We should always pray for protection from our enemies. God will ALWAYS take care of His children just as a good parent would always protect their children.

This psalm is almost all about David asking and begging for vengeance against his enemies. This was written during the time that King Saul was chasing David and trying to kill him. Twice David had the opportunity to Kill Saul. However he did not because he knew that no one was to harm God's anointed. This truth is still valid today ! There is a joke that says every Christian has the same thing for lunch after church .... roast preacher.  This is verbally attacking God's anointed ! We should all be very careful. God's anointed is not only preachers. Any Spirit filled Christian that has been sent by God to do a job has been anointed !

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