Sunday, February 5, 2017

Psalm 36

This psalm is easily divided in half. The first half talks about the "lost" man and his wickedness. The second half talks about God's love and mercy. Another interesting part of this psalm is in the title that says, "A Psalm of David the servant of the Lord."  When he uses the term "servant" it shows his position to God in his heart. David sees himself as a servant, in contrast the wicked people talked about in the psalm have no fear of God !!!

In the very first verse it says, " There is no fear of God before his eyes." For the next 5 verses David goes on to explain what this looks like. He says they flatter their self, he hates, the words of his mouth are wicked, he ceased to be wise, devises wickedness on his bed, and he does not abhor evil ! When it says devises wickedness on his bed, it refers to a man who lays awake at night thinking of ways to do evil.

Verse 7 starts the second part that talks about God's love. It starts by saying," How precious is Your lovingkindness, O God !"  It goes on to talk about how His children are taken care of. They put their trust under the shadow of His wing, They are satisfied, He gives them drink from the river of His pleasure, and in light we see Your light.  It closes with David asking that God would continue to watch over and protect him from evil. We should all pray this on a daily basis. God will ALWAYS watch over and protect His children.

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