Saturday, April 8, 2017

Psalm 45

This psalm is another Messianic one that is quoted several times in the New Testament. This beautiful psalm is all about Jesus !! The first part of it talks about Jesus coming back as King. The second part talks about Jesus coming back in His glory .  However, when you read this psalm, the words you read are all about a royal wedding. The key to understanding the messianic form here is located in the title. " To the Chief Musician upon Shoshannim."  This means " Lilies."  Telling us that Jesus is our Lily of the Valley.  The whole tenor of this psalm talks about the second coming of Christ and how the anguish of the people is changing to the glorious and triumphant return of our King !!!  The first time He came as our Savior and the second time as King  AND His people are excited.

"Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: the scepter of thy kingdom is a right scepter "  Verse 6.
This plainly says the Kingdom Of King Jesus will rule in righteousness.  When Jesus comes the anti-Christ will be in power and all of His people will being persecuted ! The world will be in chaos and King Jesus will restore order and peace and His people will be excited that their King has come !  " I will make thy name to be remembered in all generations: therefore shall the people praise thee for ever and ever" Verse 17. In this the last verse of this psalm we can see that King Jesus new Kingdom will last an eternity after He changes some things. Like Satan and all of those in  Hell be put into the eternal fire and righteousness, peace, and His glory are returned !!  Praise God !!!

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