Saturday, April 22, 2017

Psalm 47

This is another of a cluster of psalms written by the sons of Korah. In psalm 46 we saw God coming back to earth, not as a savior, but as a King ! In this psalm we see the kingdom is established and God's people are rejoicing.

It starts, " Oh clap your hands all you peoples ! Shout to God with the voice of triumph !" (verse 1) Notice it does not limit it to the Jews. The triumph is universal and applies to all people. It does go on to show that God will put the nations and all peoples under the Jews ! Verse 5 says," God has gone up with a shout.." As god ascends the people are shouting with praise and glory. God's kingdom is now established and he goes back up to enjoy it !!  What a glorious picture is painted here ! Verse 8 tells us directly that God has established His kingdom," God reigns over the nations; God sits on His holy throne."

The interesting thing about this psalm, other than the obvious is that in order for God to establish His kingdom here He had to eliminate all sin and strife and conflict and rebellion !!! In this psalm that was accomplished in 4 verses. We know that based on God's word there will first be the the anti-Christ, the tribulation, then the second coming. When all of the sin and chaos is eliminated He will establish His kingdom and what a glorious day that will be !!!

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