Saturday, May 27, 2017

Psalm 52

In 1 Samuel chapters 21 and 22 David is on the run from Saul and the priests help David. The man who tells Saul this is Doeg. He is referenced here in this psalm in the very first verse. " Why do you boast in evil, O mighty man ?" This psalm is talking about the folly of sin and how God is in charge! The first 4 verses go on talking about the types of evil being done. Verse 5 changes course when it says," God shall likewise destroy you forever." The key word here is "forever". This leaves no doubt that God is not going to not only punish here on earth but FOREVER ! The next 3 verses talk about how God will rule over him who does evil and how evil will be returned to him. The last 2 verses talk about David's faith in God and how he will praise God forever. There is that word again ! This leaves no doubt that righteousness will likewise be rewarded by God forever. The moral of this psalm is easy....evil will be punished and faith will be rewarded.

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