Saturday, June 10, 2017

Psalm 54

In this short psalm of 7 verses, it's main message is deliverance. It can easily be divided into three parts. Asking, expecting, and thanking God for deliverance. The setting for this psalm was shortly after David becomes king and goes to a town and saves the people from the Philistines. You would think the people would be thankful, but they were mad at David because they saw him as a traitor to king Saul ! When David learns of this is when he writes this psalm. It is obvious that they were non-believers as the end of verse 3 says," They have not set God before them."  Verse 7 starts, " For He has delivered me out of all trouble;"  This shows David's faith in expecting God to protect His own ! Just as we would protect our children, So God protects His children. He did it in David's time and He does it in our time. Amen !!!

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