Saturday, June 24, 2017

Psalm 56

Psalm 56 was written by King David when he was captured by the Philistines at Gath.  Just like us his first reaction was that of terror ! "Be merciful to me, O God, for man would swallow me up." ( verse 1 ).  Then he goes on in verse three to remember that God has got this... "Whenever I am afraid, I will trust in you." Here we learn that trust in God is NOT an emotional response but is a decision that is made to walk by faith and not by sight !!  Can you do that ?  Not many can or do.

Verses 5 - 7 continue to explain how badly he has been treated and is explaining to God what is going on (as if God doesn't know). Then we see King David change by choice to trust in God by recounting all that God has done for him in the past in verses 8 - 11. He ends verse 11 by saying, " I will not be afraid. What can man do to me ?" The psalm ends by David remembering promises he made to God and ends it by saying, " That I may walk before God in the light of the living ?"

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