Saturday, June 17, 2017

Psalm 55

" Trust In God Concerning The Treachery Of Friends" is the heading of this psalm. This psalm alternates between David laying bare his soul to God, praying for the destruction of his "friends",  and confidence in God to deliver him.  The first 8 verses show the absolute desperation David feels at the betrayal of his friends. Many theologians believe this was written about Absalom when David's son tried to overthrow him. Verse 4 lends credence to this, " My heart is severely pained within me, and the terrors of death have fallen upon me."  By verse 9 David has laid his soul bare and is now asking God to destroy the people who are trying to kill him. In verse 15 he gets specific," Let death seize them;let them go down alive into hell, for wickedness is in their dwellings and among them." David is remembering that God had done this one other time to the people who had tried to overthrow Moses ! So there is biblical evidence that God has done this in the past !!!   Verse 16 now shows that David has full confidence in God to save him when he says, " As for me, I will call upon God, and the Lord shall save me."  Once again we see a biblical truth within the word. If WE call upon God to be forgiven of our sin....the Lord shall save US. By verse 20 David goes back to asking for their destruction and telling why. Verse 22 is a very famous verse and for us Christians is what we have faith in ! " Cast your burden on the Lord,and he shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved." If every Christian had faith in this, we would see a mighty move of God in this world ! When I teach this concept I use a very easy phrase to remember, but if done will change your walk with God forever ! It goes like this, " Listen and obey".

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