Saturday, July 15, 2017

Psalm 60

Although David was King when he wrote this psalm, he is remembering a time when Saul came to kill him before he was King. We see in the title that Saul's men watched the house and David escaped only with the help of his wife (Saul's daughter !)

This is another example of the psalmist begging for God's help. This psalm can be loosely be divided into 3 parts. Verses 1 - 7, verses 8 - 15, and verses 16 - 17. The first 7 verses is Davids lament about David needing protection from his enemies. Verse 4....."They run and prepare themselves through no fault of mine." This is a key part because it establishes that David was NOT at fault and his enemies were many and wanted to kill him ! God always hears this type of prayer from His people.  As we look at the second part of this psalm we should look at verse 11," Do not slay them, lest my people forget;" This second part is where David is putting all his hope and faith in God coming to his rescue. As he is waiting on God he does not want his enemies destroyed too quickly !?  Why ? Because he wants his people (and also God's people) to not forget the power and mercy of God. The last two verses are David thanking God for his help and salvation. Do we do this ? Verse 16," ... For you have been my defense and refuge in the day of my trouble." When God comes through for you, do you take the time to say thank you ? Do you tell everyone about his mercy? We are to be witnesses !

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