Saturday, July 1, 2017

Psalm 57

This psalm continues the same narrative as psalm 56 where King David is seeking protection from God.  It can be divided into two parts 1) King David describes his fear and need, and  2) King David praises and thanks God for His protection.  David writes this psalm about seeking protection from his enemies as he was hiding in a cave from King Saul. " I will cry out to God Most High, to God who performs all things for me." (verse 2).  Here we see the heart of David. Even though he has been anointed to be the next king of the Jews, his heart cries out to God ! This is exactly why God calls him "A man after my own heart." In the second part of this psalm we see that no matter how fearful David is, his trust is in the Lord. " My heart is steadfast, O God, my heart is steadfast; I will sing and give praise." (verse 7). This is the lesson we should all learn from this psalm : No matter what our circumstance ... good or bad .... we should always seek after God !

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