Sunday, December 18, 2016

Psalm 28 And 29

Psalm 28 is also written by David. This is yet another psalm written when he was in trouble and had asked God for protection and retribution. It can easily be broken up into 3 parts. The first part is verses 1 thru 2. Here David is where he comes to God and begs Him to listen as he asks and prays !  The second part is verses 3 thru 5. Here is where David asks for retribution. " Give them according to their deeds, and according to the wickedness of their endeavors;" is what verse 4 says. Finally, the third part is where David gives thanks to God for hearing his cry for help and for saving them in advance of God doing it.

We should NOT pray for retribution for those who harms us. David was under law and we are under grace. Under grace God WILL protect His people and we should pray FOR them ! The last part of this psalm we should practice at all times; and that is thanking God for all He has done and for all He is going to do !

Psalm 29 carries on the same theme as 28 in that David sees a storm coming ! David uses nature and Hebrew poetry to show the power and majesty of God ! Verse 5 says " The voice of the Lord breaks the cedars, yes the Lord splinters the cedars of Lebanon."  As you can see the voice of the Lord ( Thunder) splinters the cedars ( Lightening ). The visual poetry here is amazing. Are you in a storm right now ? The message of this psalm is if you are saved God is going to protect you and go through it with you !! If He chooses He can end the storm, as Jesus did for the disciples when He said, " peace be still ". Or He will go through it with you to help and to comfort you !!

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