Psalm 37 is different than any other psalm so far in several ways. First, it is a psalm that is written for man and NOT written to or for God. Secondly, it is written in a literary style known as an acrostic. Every two verses start with the same letter and goes through the Jewish alphabet. For example, the first two lines start with "A", the next two start with "B" and so forth through the Jewish alphabet. Lastly, it concentrates on one major thought : Why do the wicked people seem to prosper and the righteous seem to suffer ?
Right from the first verse we can see that David is warning Gods people to stand strong even though it looks like the wicked are winning. " Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of inequity. For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb." The best example I have read about this was by J. Vernon McGee when he addresses this psalm, he talks about how strong and powerful Hitler was. At the time the whole world was in fear and no one could stop him. Or so it seemed ! Now here we are and Hitler and all the evil people of that time are gone and the Jews have their land back !!
This 40 verse psalm ends by saying," And the Lord shall help them and deliver them; He shall deliver them from the wicked, and save them, because they trust Him." This verse is awesome. Yes, he is talking about saving His people from the evil and danger that is all around them BUT... he is also talking about God will save those that trust Him with their salvation. Praise God !!
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