Saturday, February 25, 2017

Psalm 39

"Surely every man is a vapor." Verse 11.  This verse is used twice in this psalm, but the IDEA of this verse resonates throughout ! The meaning in this psalm is the same basic meaning in "The Song of Solomon" and that is all is useless without God. The psalmist gives several examples of this, " ... he heapeth up riches, and knoweth not who shall gather them." ( verse 6)  After making this point, David turns to God.... he wanted to do right by God because now he realizes that without God all is in vain.  " Deliver me from all my transgressions; do not make me the reproach of the foolish." (verse 7) Once again in the psalms we see David asking for salvation before Jesus !!!

When the word of God talks about fearing the Lord, it does not mean to quake in your boots all the time. As we can see in this psalm it means to understand your place in God's world and how you really appear to the God of the universe.  This psalm ends by David making this point very clear. As if saying man is like a vapor and is nothing before a righteous God David says," Remove your gaze from me, that I may regain strength, before I go away and am no more." This is a beautiful picture David paints to show the smallness of man and the greatness of God that He would want a relationship with us !!!

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