Monday, December 26, 2016

Psalm 30

This is a psalm of David and most believe was written for the dedication of the tent for the arc of the covenant. In this psalm David acknowledges that he was boasting and proud just like his enemies. Then he cries out to God ! " Now in my prosperity I said, " I shall never be moved.""  Then their is the phrase in verse 2 that shows that David had a life threatening sickness and he cries out to God !!  " O Lord my God, I cried out to you, and you healed me." Some have called this verse the healing psalm or the cancer psalm. Throughout this psalm David cries out to God and He heals him, comforts him, and protects him !!  The final verse sums up, " O Lord my God, I will give thanks to you forever." The Great Physician shows up all the way through this psalm. If you know anyone who is very sick, please give this psalm to comfort and to heal them. Then give God glory and praise forever !!

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Psalm 28 And 29

Psalm 28 is also written by David. This is yet another psalm written when he was in trouble and had asked God for protection and retribution. It can easily be broken up into 3 parts. The first part is verses 1 thru 2. Here David is where he comes to God and begs Him to listen as he asks and prays !  The second part is verses 3 thru 5. Here is where David asks for retribution. " Give them according to their deeds, and according to the wickedness of their endeavors;" is what verse 4 says. Finally, the third part is where David gives thanks to God for hearing his cry for help and for saving them in advance of God doing it.

We should NOT pray for retribution for those who harms us. David was under law and we are under grace. Under grace God WILL protect His people and we should pray FOR them ! The last part of this psalm we should practice at all times; and that is thanking God for all He has done and for all He is going to do !

Psalm 29 carries on the same theme as 28 in that David sees a storm coming ! David uses nature and Hebrew poetry to show the power and majesty of God ! Verse 5 says " The voice of the Lord breaks the cedars, yes the Lord splinters the cedars of Lebanon."  As you can see the voice of the Lord ( Thunder) splinters the cedars ( Lightening ). The visual poetry here is amazing. Are you in a storm right now ? The message of this psalm is if you are saved God is going to protect you and go through it with you !! If He chooses He can end the storm, as Jesus did for the disciples when He said, " peace be still ". Or He will go through it with you to help and to comfort you !!

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Psalm 27

Have you ever felt that the word of God was talking about someone other than you ??  This psalm is written by David and it talks about you and me right where we live !!  About our sin and our wish to be with Jesus. These are at odds with each other but is right where most of us live. In the the first 6 verses David talks about wanting to be with Jesus now and for eternity. Note the first verse, " The Lord is my salvation; whom shall I fear ?The Lord is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid ?"  Then if you look at verse 4 you see, "One thing I have desired of the Lord, that I shall seek;That I may dwell in the House of the Lord all the days of my life."  David then starts to talk about all that God has done for a relationship, including sending His Son to die on a cross, with us. Then realizes that he is a sinful man and does not deserve any of it !! Verse 7 says," Hear o Lord, when I cry with my voice! Have mercy also upon me and answer me. "  David ends this psalm with a beautiful summation in verse 14 when he says, " Wait on the Lord; Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; wait, I say, on the Lord ! " We are ALL sinners and do not deserve salvation ! This psalm shows how well David knew that even before Jesus had come !!

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Psalm 26

This psalm talks of David's righteousness !  Many of you are saying...wait a minute, none of us has any righteousness but only that which comes from Jesus !!! Exactly. Remember Jesus has not come yet, so as we read on we will find that David cleanses himself from unholy people and bathes himself in God's word. Verse 6 says, " I will wash my hands in innocence..". David then says how much he loves God and God's glory.  He goes on to beg God to not gather him with sinners and bloodthirsty people who take bribes. Verse 11 and 12 end the psalm by saying, " But as for me, I will walk in my integrity; Redeem me and be merciful to me. My foot stands in an even place; in the congregations I will bless the Lord." A beautiful way to end this psalm by saying that any and all righteousness David has is because of God and David will always praise and love the Lord !!  Amen

Friday, November 25, 2016

Psalm 24 And 25

Psalm 24 is one that paints two pictures. The first is one of all who will enter the kingdom with the King and one of the return of the King to set up His Kingdom. The first part starts by establishing the fact that the earth belongs to God and how He created it. It transitions to the second by asking this question, " Who shall stand in His holy place?" (Psalm 24 : 3) He goes on to answer this question by saying only those that have a pure heart and clean hands !! If not for the saving  work of Jesus, none of us be able to get there. BUT because Jesus died for us we are going to be there because we will be there in Jesus name. Not because of anything we have done or who we are !!!

The 25th Psalm is one written by David that shows him in much pain and distress. As you read through these 22 verses they will melt your heart with the amount of distress David is under. However, throughout the psalm David always comes back to God for the answers to his problems. He also recognizes that part of his problem is sin and he asks God several times to forgive his sin and not to remember them forever. The key can be found in the last verse where David says, "The secret of the Lord is with them that fear Him; and He will show them His covenant." That is why non-believers can read the bible and not understand it, because God will not show them His covenant (promise) to those who do not fear (believe) in Him !!!

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Psalm 23

This psalm is probably the most well known and most recognizable thing in the bible !! Books have been written about it, many preacher's sermons have been done on it, and many funerals have had this psalm in it. Yet it is a very short and very simple psalm with the word of God dripping from every word !

This psalm is about Jesus as the Great Shepherd. We know that David wrote this and he probably wrote it as an old man looking back over his life. We can surmise this from the amount of wisdom and experience talked about. Comparing Jesus' followers to sheep was a tactic used many timed by Jesus to make a point. In this psalm we see that Jesus is MY shepherd. Why ? Does that mean He is the shepherd for all ? No... He is  MY shepherd if I accept the redemptive work he did on the cross ! Here is a spiritual truth ... when He becomes your shepherd, He will watch over and protect you !! That is an awesome thought. The God of the universe has my back !!!

As we go through this psalm we see all the things the shepherd does for his flock. He protects them, He feeds and waters them, He disciplines them, He blesses them, He gives them peace and security, He leads them in the right paths. Then the last line sums up the ultimate reward for His flock. "And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever." After giving His life for the sheep and doing all these things for His flock, He again rewards them for no deed they have done !  They get to live with Jesus in heaven...FOREVER ....Thank You Jesus  !!!

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Psalm 22

This is an amazing psalm !!!  Right from the start we see the crucifixion of Jesus, "My God, My God, why has thou forsaken me ?"  The words were spoken by Jesus on the cross hundreds of years after this was written !  This psalm is called The Psalm of the Cross. This is a messianic psalm and tells two stories at once. The first story is about how David is talking about his life. It starts out as a lamentation by David and ends in praise and glory to God ! This transformation is achieved through prayer.

The second story is the story of the crucifixion of Jesus. As we go through the psalm you will see things that happens later during the time of his death.  Verse 8 says," He trusted in the Lord, let Him rescue Him ;" Verse 16 says, " They have pierced My hands and My feet;"  Again verse 18 says, " They divide My garments among them, and for my clothing they cast lots."   These things and more were said and done in the New Testament !  This psalm is truly from God telling of the story of His son, and all He will do for us in His Fathers name!  This psalm is one that should be read and studied slowly and prayerfully. Praise God that through His son we are saved !! Never forget what Jesus has done for you.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Psalm 20 and 21

October  6,2016

Psalm 20 is a short psalm written by David and talks about the prophecy of Jesus. It is written in the form of a prayer and it is interesting to note that when the prayer ends it is referring to a time when Jesus was praying and acknowledged that God always hears his prayer. There are other references here that talk about the salvation that Jesus will bring to all when David was praying for the salvation of Zion. Also, the hanging of Jesus when it talks about all of thy offerings in verse 3.

Psalm 21 is a beautiful psalm that shows the saving work of Jesus and the punishment that waits for those that turn their backs on this work ! Verse 1 starts with praise of the Father, and goes right to the salvation work He wishes ! All the way to verse 7 talks about this work and all the glory to God. From there on to verse 12 David talks about a fiery oven awaits as punishment for those that do not accept or who wish harm to God !He talks about fire devouring them and their seed being eliminated and that God will have final judgement on ALL !  This psalm talks about the ascension of Jesus to heaven and the glory he brings to the Father. Selah.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Psalm 19

September  29, 2016

Different  experts have divided this psalm into 2 or 3 different parts. I am not going to attempt that, but I do want us to take a look at the three different divisions that are talked about. The first part of psalm 19 talks about creation and the glory God brings to it. It is also interesting to note that God shows us the sun ( Son ) in the first part of this psalm when talking of creation ! The middle part of the psalm shows plainly that  David is now going to give God glory by talking about the commandments given by God. By talking about how good the word is, we need to remember that right and wrong are decided by God's word and not by man !! How do we know if stealing is right and wrong ? Only by comparing our actions to God's word can we have any idea. This part of the psalm ends by telling us how valuable God's commands are.

The last part of this psalm talks about Jesus' work of salvation. David asks God to keep him from presumptuous sin. This means that David is being asked to be protected from thinking he is NOT a sinner ! David is saying that as long as he realizes he is a sinner, he will keep his attention on his thought and actions so as not to sin against God. How many people do you know that think they are pretty good people and are not sinners ?  A lot I would guess. That is what David is asking for protection from..... and so should we !

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Psalm 18

September 22,  2016

Compared to the previous psalms , this one is a long one. Again this psalm is written by David and reflects the life of David from being chased by Saul to an old man. Through all of his life, the perils, the victories and defeats, loosing his sons, strife within his family and his kingdom.... through it all there was ONE constant. His love of God.

There is more to this psalm than meets the eye. As with the entire bible, this psalm talks of the coming King. this is a prophetic psalm. Also, this psalm reflects the way to pray !!! This psalm opens with praise for the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and an acknowledgement of all that God has done for him then a request from David and a thank you for answering his prayer before it is answered, and finally ends in praise to God !!! This Psalm ends with God's answer to David. This is critical because most people pray by talking instead of praying to listen !!

This psalm is a recall from 2 Samuel 22 and is also a model for prayer as seen in the Lord's prayer in the New Testament. The beauty in this psalm is that it tells the story of David's life AND the heart of David AND backs up 2 Samuel 22 AND is a model for us to pray !! How wonderful that God can show so much through one life that is dedicated to Him !!  Go and do likewise.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Psalm 16 And 17

September 15, 2016

Psalm 16 is called a "Michtam of David". The exact meaning is unknown. Martin Luther translated it to mean " A Golden Jewel". We will call this Psalm A Golden Jewel of David !  This Psalm is known as a prophetic Psalm ( as are the next few ). In this Psalm we shall see the life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus. David uses the difference between believers and non believers to show how great God is. When he talks about being saved, this refers to the death and resurrection of Jesus which is how we are saved today.... by grace !  The last line in the Psalm shows the ascension of Jesus when it says, " thy right hand are pleasures for evermore."

This Psalm, 17, is called a Prayer of David. It was written during the time when Saul was chasing David in the wilderness. The structure of this psalm is a great example of how we should pray. He starts with praise of God, then a recount of the great things God has done for him, then with the prayer request, and closing with thanks and prayer. There is one thing that we as Christians should be very careful of. We should NOT ask for harm to come to anyone. In Davids time, they were guided by the Law. Under the Law it was good to ask for justice. However, under Grace, we give ALL of our lives to Jesus. When we do this it is up to Jesus to know and to take care of His Spirit filled children. It is OK to pray for help, or relief, or healing etc., but payback belongs to God...alone!

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Psalm 14 and 15

September 8,  2016

The Psalms are many thing ! They are God's word, they are songs, they are the thoughts and feelings of the psalmist, they are a history of David, They are an open communication between God and man, and as we will see in these two psalms ( and many more ) they are prophetic. The first line of this psalm is very famous, " The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God. " This psalm talks about the sin and corruption in the world in David's time and is also talking about the last days before the great tribulation comes !  In all of this sin and corruption man turns totally against God !  The end of this psalm is a prayer for salvation for the world from David and from the remnant that God will have before the great tribulation.

Psalm 15 talks about what will it take to be upright and to be with God. God's answer is much like when He gave the Law to the Jews. He told them what to do, not to have them do it, but to show them that without God they would NEVER be saved ! Today we are saved by grace and not by the law. We know that we can never keep the law. Only one man kept the law ... Jesus. Today we have the Holy Spirit to indwell us and to lead us. The list that God gives sounds easy. Let me ask you a question... If I were God and I gave you ONE command to get to Heaven... Never tell a lie.... could you do it ? Of course not ! Yet God gave them hundreds of laws and here He lists a few... and they will never be able to do them. However they are to blind, much as the unsaved are today to see that they can not keep any of them !!!

Monday, September 5, 2016

Psalm 12 and 13

September 1, 2016

In the short psalm of David we see what apostasy looks like. When man looks to man instead of God. David shows us that sometimes we feel like we are the only one left standing up for God !  We should speak only the truth and not what man wants to hear. When the wicked use flattery and boast, we as followers of Jesus, need to rely on the word of God. He closes by saying that even if it looks like the wicked are winning ... Do not despair. God will always take care of the faithful!

In psalm 13 David is being pursued and he writes this. The interpretation of this psalm has to do with the great tribulation that is to come. This psalm shows the pain that David is going through. Much like the pain that the true followers of Jesus will feel in the tribulation. He feels that the whole world is against him and he is the only one left that follows God. This is the exact picture that scripture paints when the great tribulation come for the remnant that is left. The psalm ends with David singing God's praises no matter what his circumstances are..... a lesson for us indeed !

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Psalm 10 and 11

August 25, 2016

Psalm 10 has two basic human instincts at play in it : Pride and Boasting. This psalm talks about there being no God. This would be the first time that this is mentioned. The logic in this psalm says that there is no God and without God there will not be any judgement. Therefore, with no judgement man becomes his own God ! The 10 commandments says nothing about being an atheist, but it does say you shall have no FALSE Gods before me. If man boasts that there is no God, he does so because he wants to be God in his own world. In a sinners world where he is God... there can never be a judgement for his sin. Circular logic which the atheist will never admit to.

Psalm 11 talks about several truths in life. One is to not run from your problems but to face them head on. This psalm was written when David was on the run from his son Absalom. David was not running but buying time to mount an offensive. Another truth is that there is a God. When God pulls out your security to see what you trust in and believe in...  Once again David returns to the thing that atheist think, that there is no judgement for the actions (sin). The psalm closes by saying that God loves righteousness and that when our security is gone we are to look to Him for our peace and security... Praise God.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Psalm 8 And 9

August 18, 2016

Messianic refers to parts of the Old Testament that are quoted in the New Testament. Psalm 8 is a messianic psalm. It is quoted three times and one of those was by Jesus Himself.  This psalm talks about the Son of Man, Jesus, being God. When Jesus quotes it in Hebrews 2, 5-8 He  is talking about putting all things under Him and giving your life to Him. It is obvious that we do not put all things under Him! But this psalm and in Hebrews tells us we should. Clearly we as Christians need to put ALL things under Him and be subject to Jesus !

Psalm 9 is the first of two (psalm 10) which form an acrostic in the Hebrew language. That is probably why psalms 9 and 10 are put together in the Septuagint. It would be similar if the letter A started verse 1 and the letter B started the second verse and so forth except in Hebrew. There are three possible interpretations for this psalm written by David. This psalm is also known as  "death of a son". The first is it refers to David and Bathsheba's son dying, the second is the death of Goliath, and the third is when the the Jews were delivered from slavery by the death of the first born of Egypt.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Psalms 6 and 7

August 11, 2016

Psalm 6 is a very sad one as the man in this psalm is crying out for mercy ! He has looked into his own heart and realizes that he is not any good in the eyes of God. When he looks all around him he sees evil and wickedness on every side. Once he realizes these truths he cries out to the God of the universe for mercy.

Psalm 7 is again a crying out... this time by David. With his confidence in God, David cries out and shows us the future suffering and persecution of the remnant of Israel in the great tribulation. David is crying out loud against the "man of sin". This idea also is carried into the next psalm. David puts all of his trust in the Lord and his righteousness and accepts any judgement the Lord gives...Praise God !!!

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Psalms 3 - 5

August 4, 2016

Psalm 3 was written by David when he fled from his son Absalom because his son was trying to overthrow his father.This psalm tells how David felt and what he thought about his own son trying to kill him ! It also shows Davids total devotion to God and his reliance on God. When you read this psalm, remember that the reason for this uprising against David was because of sin. When he took another mans wife, had him killed and got her pregnant, David repented and God forgave him. However... sin has consequences !

Psalm 4 is a very short psalm that has 3 parts to it. First is the cry of David, the second is the correction of behavior, lastly the confidence that is placed in God for his rest. By the end of the psalm, David is laying down to rest with his heart at peace.

Psalm 5 is known as a morning psalm as it starts with the words "...consider my meditation. This psalm is also written by David. It is a prayer set to music sent up to God.  One of the truths rooted out of this psalm shows that patience is the result of tribulation.  It also shows that even the very Godly person is tempted by sin all the time and that is why we should keep our hearts and minds on Jesus !!

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Psalm 1 and 2

July 28, 2016

The first psalm is about the perfect man. the title is " The way of the righteous and the end of the ungodly." The first verse draws the line in the sand between them. The  godly man does not listen to the council of sinners, nor sit with them nor be with them. The godly delight in the law of the Lord and meditates on it day and night. This short psalm ends by saying that God knows the way of the godly and the ungodly shall perish !!

In the second psalm we see the camera focus on man and then turn towards heaven to see God's reaction. On earth the kings and rulers believe they are in charge and make all of their plans, yet in heaven God is laughing. God has given the earth and all that is in them to his Son and instructs him that He should break them to pieces like a potters vessel. The psalm ends by sage advise to the worlds leaders... serve the Lord with fear and rejoice with trembling lest you be crushed to pieces !! The last line reads " Blessed are those who put their trust in Him."

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Introduction To Psalms

July 21, 2016

Welcome to our new blog on the book of Psalms. Each week we will cover some of the psalms and look at each a little closer.There are 150 psalms and they are located in the middle of your bible. This is a books of songs. Imagine picking up a song book in church and reading the might learn some things but the meaning would not be there unless you knew the story behind each song.

It has been said that every human experience and every human feeling is recorded in the book of psalms !!!The psalms have been arranged in a very specific order. The order can be seen as a parallel to the Pentateuch. The very first psalm is about the perfect man. From there we will follow man and his experiences, feelings, and sin through history as seen by God and man.

We will study and record our study and notes on a weekly basis. I hope this blog will be a blessing to you and as usual if you would like to join us in person for class, contact me and we will be happy to have you !  May God bless you and us on our journey through the psalms !!